gina schaefer

Using Stories to Create Change, Empower Voices, and Inspire Growth

Keynote Speaker

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Photo Credit: Brian Knox

BUILD a powerful CULTURE



Gina Empowers Audiences To:

On stage, Gina's message is equally inspiring, energetic and actionable.

Gina Schaefer is a dynamic keynote speaker, published author, and visionary founder. With a passion for empowering audiences, she delivers engaging and transformative talks that inspire action and foster growth. Book Gina for your next event to elevate your audience and ignite their potential.

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  • Creating a Positive and Inclusive Company Culture?

  • Building trust and transparency within your organization?

  • Engaging and retaining employees effectively?

Does Your Audience Struggle With?

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You Are (the) Somebody

Check Out Gina's Keynote

I always wondered when somebody would do something about that...
Then I realized I was somebody.

  • Developing an Effective Succession Plan for Your Business

  • Aligning your succession plan with your financial goals?

  • Exploring various exit strategies, from liquidation to employee sales?

Does Your Audience Struggle With?

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Business Succession Planning from an Accidental Expert

Check Out Gina's Keynote

The time to start thinking about succession is the time you start your business - I never understood that advice until I really wanted to begin my exit strategy.
-Gina Schaefer

  • Navigating a traditionally male-dominated industry?

  • Finding your inspiration and voice for professional growth?

  • Knowing when and how to self-promote effectively While Overcoming self-doubt and persistent challenges in your career?

Does Your Audience Struggle With?

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Just Because the World Underestimates Us, it Doesn’t Mean our Fate is Pre-written

Check Out Gina's Keynote

People ask me all the time how I compete in a male dominated industry.
I often answer “aren’t they all?
-Gina Schaefer


Gina Schaefer

A businesswoman, philanthropist, and leader in business, Gina Schaefer's speeches are intertwined with personal experience, business savvy, and relatable stories from her nearly 30 years as a change maker and influencer.

  • Founded in 2003: Established her first hardware store.
  • 13 Locations in DC & 2 States: Expanded her business across two states.
  • 300 Teammates: Created jobs and opportunities for 300 team members.
  • 130+ Co-Owners: Transformed 130+ teammates into co-owners.
  • Author of Recovery Hardware: Shares her journey and the power of second chances.
  • Advocate & Philanthropist: Dedicated to making a positive impact in her community.

Gina Schaefer is more than a businesswoman; she’s a beacon of inspiration proving that with resilience, empathy, and determination, anything is possible.

Join Gina on a journey of empowerment and success at your next event.

Speaker + Author + Founder

Book Gina

— Chris C., Director at Ohio Employee Ownership Center

"Gina's message of breaking through barriers and achieving the impossible was an inspiration to our 400 attendees. Her favorite phrase, 'You are somebody!' reminds us that we are the architects of the change we want to see in the world."

— Matt W., CFO, CCA Global Partners Inc.

"Simply put, Gina's speech was phenomenal. Her inspirational story is one that needs to be heard."

— Howard B., Chairman of the Board, CCA Global Partners

"Gina delivered a superb speech!! I always watch people's faces and everyone was listening to every word. Bravo!"

5 stars


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