Keynote Speaking

Inspiring Change, Empowering Communities, Building Success

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Photo Credit: Brian Knox

"I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody."

Gina Schaefer delivers four dynamic keynote options, drawing from her rich experience in community-building, business transformation, and leadership.

With compelling storytelling and expert advice, Gina inspires audiences to become influential change-makers within their organizations and communities.

Download Gina's Keynote Abstracts

Succession Planning

Women In Business

Reviving Main Street

Curating Cultures

Keynote Option 1

You Are (The) Somebody

Looking to revitalize your company’s culture but unsure where to begin? Gina Schaefer understands that the most effective tools often come from unexpected places. From establishing a hardware store in a struggling neighborhood to empowering the recovery community and fostering business ownership among her employees, Gina has brought her visionary ideas to life.

In this compelling 45-minute keynote, Gina reveals the essential principles of creating a positive corporate culture—gleaned from a variety of inspiring and unconventional sources. Learn how to cultivate a culture that starts at the top and permeates every level of your organization.

1. Use Curiosity and Storytelling
Gina will share her journey of discovering the importance of using curiosity and storytelling to build a world-class culture.

2. Infuse Trust and Transparency
Through real-life examples and practical advice, Gina help you learn how to infuse trust and transparency into your organization.

3. Track and Act on Turnover Data
Gina will help attendees discover how to measure employee turnover effectively and implement strategies based on the results to improve retention and culture. 

Learning Objectives

Book The Curating Culture Keynote

Keynote Option 2

Just Because The World Underestimates Us,
It Doesn't Mean Our Fate Is Pre-Written

Gina Schaefer has spent two decades thriving in a male-dominated industry, transforming a single hardware store into a thriving business empire with 13 locations and millions in revenue. Her engaging keynote addresses the highs, lows, and invaluable lessons learned along the way.

Gina’s powerful message resonates with those who defy the odds and pursue entrepreneurial ambitions, particularly women. She champions the belief that all fields are inclusive, having paved the way for more women in leadership and ownership roles within the hardware sector.

Join Gina for an inspiring 45-minute keynote where she shares her journey and provides actionable insights to help you find your voice, promote your skills, and overcome self-doubt.

1. How to find your inspiration and voice:
Gina will share her journey of discovering her own inspiration and voice in a traditionally male-dominated industry, providing insights for professional growth.

2. How, when, and why to self-promote:
Through real-life examples and practical advice, Gina will explain the importance of self-promotion, guiding attendees on the optimal times and methods to effectively showcase their skills.

3. What steps to take to overcome the voice of doubt that might be in your head:
Gina will emphasize that making the changes we want in our careers requires consistent practice and effort, understanding that success is never a one-and-done.

Learning Objectives

Book The Women in Business Keynote

Keynote Option 3

Business Succession Planning from an Accidental Expert

Businesses, whether small family-owned enterprises or large national companies, often get caught up in day-to-day challenges and overlook the crucial task of succession planning. This oversight can jeopardize the future success of any organization.

Gina Schaefer, with her invaluable experience as a board member of two multi-billion-dollar companies, and having successfully sold her own business with a values-aligned strategy, offers a dynamic 45-minute keynote that addresses this vital topic. Her insights into CEO and executive succession planning are both practical and profound, ensuring that her audience walks away equipped to secure their business’s future.

Join Gina as she shares the costs, pitfalls, and triumphs of her succession journey. Attendees will learn the essential steps to craft their own succession plans and ensure long-term success.

1. Craft a Financial Succession Plan
  • Discover how to draft a succession plan tailored to your financial goals,    guided by Gina’s own journey and insights.

2. Minimize Emotional Complications
  • Learn to eliminate the emotional complexities of succession planning through real-life examples and practical advice.

3. Explore Exit Options
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of succession and exit options, from liquidation to private equity to employee sales. Gina will help you navigate these choices to find the right fit for your business.

Learning Objectives

Book The Succession Planning Keynote

Keynote Option 4

Reviving Main Street:
The Power of Community and Local Business

When she moved into a forlorn neighborhood that needed a hardware store, she built one. When she thought the recovery community needed businesses to believe in them, she became one. When she suggested that inequality could be helped with business ownership, she began selling hers to her team.

In this inspiring 45-minute keynote, Gina shares how community passion can revitalize neighborhoods, empower marginalized groups, and foster economic growth. She delves into her journey of transforming struggling areas into thriving communities through local business initiatives. 

Gina’s stories highlight the importance of investing in Main Street America and the profound impact it can have on creating vibrant, inclusive communities.

1. Engage and Empower Your Community
Discover how to transform your local area by actively engaging with community members and supporting local initiatives. Learn to differentiate your business by hosting community events and collaborating with smaller voices.

2. Innovative Hiring Practices
Uncover strategies for inclusive hiring that can help revitalize your business and community. Understand the impact of hiring from diverse backgrounds, including the recovery community, and see how these practices can lead to business success.

3. Build Strong Alliances
Learn the importance of finding and collaborating with allies, both within and outside your industry. See how sharing your space with non-profits and other local businesses can create a network of support and growth, benefiting both your business and the community at large.

Learning Objectives

Book The Main Street Keynote

All keynotes can be customized to fit the audience and industry needs. All keynotes can be delivered in-person or virtually.

Keynotes are Designed for:

Book Gina

  • Conferences
  • Nonprofits
  • Tradeshows
  • Educational Institutions
  • Conventions & Seminars
  • Corporations

And lots more! Contact us with your event details today, and we’ll walk through what a speaking engagement with Gina can do for your organization.

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